Navigating Strategic Pathways in Melanesia: Options for US Engagement, National Bureau of Asian Research, edited by April A. Herlevi, July 2024.
"Strategic Competition in Melanesia: Centering Local Perspectives for Successful US Engagement," Navigating Strategic Pathways in Melanesia: Options for US Engagement, National Bureau of Asian Research, July 2024.
"China's Strategic Space in the Digital Undersea," Mapping China's Strategic Space, National Bureau of Asian Research, March 2024, full essay available here:
"China’s technology acquisition for military innovation: spectrum of legality in strategic competition," Asian Security, co-authored with Rose Rodgers, Aug 2023, available here. Research for this paper was sponsored by New York University's Center for US-China Relations.
"China's Tourism in the Middle East and North Africa: Trends and Outlook," in Routledge Companion to China and the Middle East and North Africa (London and New York; Routledge, May 2023).
Intersections: Technology, National Security, and US-China Strategic Competition. In this newsletter, the CNA team summarizes key developments in technology competition and how third-parties are responding to US-China competition.
"Beyond Presence: What Can the United States Do Better in the Pacific? Charting a New Course for the Pacific Islands: Strategic Pathways for U.S.-Micronesia Engagement, National Bureau of Asian Research, April A. Herlevi, ed., March 2023.
China AI and Autonomy Report, contributor, March-August 2022.
"China's Activities in the Pacific Island Countries: Laying the Foundation for Future Access in Oceania?" co-authored with Christopher Cairns, in Enabling a More Externally Focused and Operational PLA, Roger Cliff and Roy D. Kamphausen, ed., (Carlisle, PA: US Army War College Press, July 2022).
"Competing or Colluding Commercial Interests? Ports and Free Zones along China's Maritime Silk Road in Africa," Journal of Indo-Pacific Affairs, Volume 4, Issue 8, Special Issue on Africa in the Indo-Pacific Construct, 2021.
International Arms Exports in the Era of Great Power Competition, CNA, 2020. For the executive summary version of this analysis, see: China's Defense Exports: Small Volume, but Room for Growth or China as a Niche Arms Exporter.
Economic Statecraft: How China Legally Accesses Foreign Technologies to Build Military Capabilities, co-authored with Rose Tenyotkin, Alison Kaufman, and Anthony Miller, CNA Research Memorandum, DRM-2020-U-027240-Final, June 2020.
Economic Growth or Sowing the Seeds of Destruction? The Role of Economic Development Zones in China, Journal of Chinese Political Science, Volume 22, Issue 4, December 2017, p. 675–689.
"Strategic Competition in Melanesia: Centering Local Perspectives for Successful US Engagement," Navigating Strategic Pathways in Melanesia: Options for US Engagement, National Bureau of Asian Research, July 2024.
"China's Strategic Space in the Digital Undersea," Mapping China's Strategic Space, National Bureau of Asian Research, March 2024, full essay available here:
"China’s technology acquisition for military innovation: spectrum of legality in strategic competition," Asian Security, co-authored with Rose Rodgers, Aug 2023, available here. Research for this paper was sponsored by New York University's Center for US-China Relations.
"China's Tourism in the Middle East and North Africa: Trends and Outlook," in Routledge Companion to China and the Middle East and North Africa (London and New York; Routledge, May 2023).
Intersections: Technology, National Security, and US-China Strategic Competition. In this newsletter, the CNA team summarizes key developments in technology competition and how third-parties are responding to US-China competition.
"Beyond Presence: What Can the United States Do Better in the Pacific? Charting a New Course for the Pacific Islands: Strategic Pathways for U.S.-Micronesia Engagement, National Bureau of Asian Research, April A. Herlevi, ed., March 2023.
China AI and Autonomy Report, contributor, March-August 2022.
"China's Activities in the Pacific Island Countries: Laying the Foundation for Future Access in Oceania?" co-authored with Christopher Cairns, in Enabling a More Externally Focused and Operational PLA, Roger Cliff and Roy D. Kamphausen, ed., (Carlisle, PA: US Army War College Press, July 2022).
"Competing or Colluding Commercial Interests? Ports and Free Zones along China's Maritime Silk Road in Africa," Journal of Indo-Pacific Affairs, Volume 4, Issue 8, Special Issue on Africa in the Indo-Pacific Construct, 2021.
International Arms Exports in the Era of Great Power Competition, CNA, 2020. For the executive summary version of this analysis, see: China's Defense Exports: Small Volume, but Room for Growth or China as a Niche Arms Exporter.
Economic Statecraft: How China Legally Accesses Foreign Technologies to Build Military Capabilities, co-authored with Rose Tenyotkin, Alison Kaufman, and Anthony Miller, CNA Research Memorandum, DRM-2020-U-027240-Final, June 2020.
Economic Growth or Sowing the Seeds of Destruction? The Role of Economic Development Zones in China, Journal of Chinese Political Science, Volume 22, Issue 4, December 2017, p. 675–689.
Blog Posts, Book Reviews, and Commentary
What is Chinese Communist Party Plenum? CNA In-Depth, June 24, 2024,
The East and South China Seas: One Sea, Near Seas, Whose Seas? War on the Rocks, with Brian Waidelich, May 9, 2024.
"The US Advances its Pacific Partnership Strategy in Micronesia," CNA In-Depth, June 12, 2023,
"China and the Solomon Islands: Drivers of Security Cooperation," CNA In-Depth, with Christopher Cairns, April 13, 2022.
"Pacific Connectivity and Tonga's Volcanic Eruption," CNA In-Depth, February 2, 2022.
"China as a Niche Arms Exporter," CNA In-Depth, August 31, 2021.
Book Review of Land Wars: The Story of China’s Agrarian Revolution, Journal of Indo-Pacific Affairs, February 2021.
"Fighting the Battle for the Pandemic Narrative: The PRC White Paper on Its COVID-19 Response," China Brief, Volume 20, Issue 11, June 24, 2020.
"Disposing of 'Zombies': Why the Reform of Non-Performing State-Owned Enterprises Has Gotten Even Harder," China Brief, Volume 20, Issue 5, March 16, 2020.
"Many Contenders Eye the Pacific Island Countries," CNA In-Depth, October 29, 2019.
"China's New Foreign Investment Law: Quick Passage after a Long Wait," China Brief, Volume 19, Issue 6, March 22, 2019.
"China and the United Arab Emirates: Sustainable Silk Road Partnership?" China Brief, Volume 16, Issue 2, 25 January 2016.
The East and South China Seas: One Sea, Near Seas, Whose Seas? War on the Rocks, with Brian Waidelich, May 9, 2024.
"The US Advances its Pacific Partnership Strategy in Micronesia," CNA In-Depth, June 12, 2023,
"China and the Solomon Islands: Drivers of Security Cooperation," CNA In-Depth, with Christopher Cairns, April 13, 2022.
"Pacific Connectivity and Tonga's Volcanic Eruption," CNA In-Depth, February 2, 2022.
"China as a Niche Arms Exporter," CNA In-Depth, August 31, 2021.
Book Review of Land Wars: The Story of China’s Agrarian Revolution, Journal of Indo-Pacific Affairs, February 2021.
"Fighting the Battle for the Pandemic Narrative: The PRC White Paper on Its COVID-19 Response," China Brief, Volume 20, Issue 11, June 24, 2020.
"Disposing of 'Zombies': Why the Reform of Non-Performing State-Owned Enterprises Has Gotten Even Harder," China Brief, Volume 20, Issue 5, March 16, 2020.
"Many Contenders Eye the Pacific Island Countries," CNA In-Depth, October 29, 2019.
"China's New Foreign Investment Law: Quick Passage after a Long Wait," China Brief, Volume 19, Issue 6, March 22, 2019.
"China and the United Arab Emirates: Sustainable Silk Road Partnership?" China Brief, Volume 16, Issue 2, 25 January 2016.
Media Engagement
The Diplomat, "China-US Subsea Sparring and the Global Internet,"
Financial Times, Subsea Cables: How the US is Pushing China out of Internet's Plumbing,
Financial Times, Subsea Cables: How the US is Pushing China out of Internet's Plumbing,
Podcasts and Presentations
China's Engagement with the Pacific Islands, Center for Indo-Pacific Affairs at the University of Hawai'i at Mānoa, November 2023.
Alliance Wedge Strategies in Asia, CNA Talks.
Semiconductor Export Controls, CNA Talks.
China's Foreign Military Sales and Technological Acquisition, Testimony for US-China Economic and Security Review Commission Hearing on China's Military Diplomacy and Overseas Security Activities (Panel III) held on January 26, 2023, video and written testimony.
China's 20th Party Congress Report, CNA Talks.
Technology and the 20th Party Congress, CNA National Security Seminar Series, November 22, 2022. In this video seminar, we discuss the Chinese Communist Party's 20th Party Congress and examine its foreign policy, military, and technology dimensions.
China, the United States, and the Pacific Islands, CNA Talks.
China's Activities in the Pacific Island Countries, presentation at the National Bureau of Asian Research's 2020 Annual PLA Conference, October 2020.
Competing or Colluding Commercial Interests in Africa? Ports and Industrial Clusters along China’s Maritime Silk Road, presentation at SAIS China Africa Research Initiative's (CARI) 6th Annual Conference, Panel 1: Development-Security Nexus, September 2020.
How China Acquires Foreign Technology, CNA Talks.
Alliance Wedge Strategies in Asia, CNA Talks.
Semiconductor Export Controls, CNA Talks.
China's Foreign Military Sales and Technological Acquisition, Testimony for US-China Economic and Security Review Commission Hearing on China's Military Diplomacy and Overseas Security Activities (Panel III) held on January 26, 2023, video and written testimony.
China's 20th Party Congress Report, CNA Talks.
Technology and the 20th Party Congress, CNA National Security Seminar Series, November 22, 2022. In this video seminar, we discuss the Chinese Communist Party's 20th Party Congress and examine its foreign policy, military, and technology dimensions.
China, the United States, and the Pacific Islands, CNA Talks.
China's Activities in the Pacific Island Countries, presentation at the National Bureau of Asian Research's 2020 Annual PLA Conference, October 2020.
Competing or Colluding Commercial Interests in Africa? Ports and Industrial Clusters along China’s Maritime Silk Road, presentation at SAIS China Africa Research Initiative's (CARI) 6th Annual Conference, Panel 1: Development-Security Nexus, September 2020.
How China Acquires Foreign Technology, CNA Talks.
Working Manuscripts
"Co-evolutionary Pragmatism in Practice: The Role of Special Economic Zones in China's Political Economy."
"Building the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road: Ports, Industrial Clusters, and Exporting the China Model of Development."
Asia's Regional Security Architecture: The Role of ASEAN and the Pacific Islands Forum Amid US-China Competition
"Building the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road: Ports, Industrial Clusters, and Exporting the China Model of Development."
Asia's Regional Security Architecture: The Role of ASEAN and the Pacific Islands Forum Amid US-China Competition